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Favorite Quote


新加坡 梁益智

         票不在多,有珍则名;集不在丰, 有专则成。斯是邮室,惟邮学兴。 图文认今昔,寸纸慕贤明。谈笑聚 同寅,搜藏无重轻。可以研究票封 ,论邮经。无酒色之乱性,有知音 之相聚。增识益智兼,会友更怡情 。邮家曰:「何愚之有?」

      A collection is like a puzzle: if you have one hundred separate pieces they don't mean anything, It's only when they are put into a context that they tell a story.

    - René Beyer -

    The collector is never finished. You're always looking for anything you don't have that will improve the collection, It's a hobby without end ... for once you decide your collection is complete, you can no longer call yourself a collector.

    - Philippe Stern -

    You could not own this "gem" forever. No matter for how long you own it, you are a mere tempoeary holder of this "gem". What really matters is how would you appreciate, enjoy and utilize it while you own it.

    - I.M. Chait -

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