Favorite Quote

郵 室 銘

新加坡 梁益智

        票不在多,有珍則名;集不在豐,有專則成。斯是郵室,惟郵學興。圖文認今昔,寸紙慕賢明。談笑 聚同寅,搜藏無重輕。  可以研究 票封,論郵經。無酒色之乱性,有知音之相聚。增識益智兼,会友更怡 情。郵家曰:「何愚之有?」

      A collection is like a puzzle: if you have one hundred separate pieces they don't mean anything, It's only when they are put into a context that they tell a story.

    - René Beyer -

    The collector is never finished. You're always looking for anything you don't have that will improve the collection, It's a hobby without end ... for once you decide your collection is complete, you can no longer call yourself a collector.

    - Philippe Stern -

        人生價值, 不在據有事物, 而在觀察賞析, 有所發現, 有所會心, 使上昇為知識, 有助文化研究與發展。

          —  王世襄《儷松居長物志 · 自序》  —

    You could not own this "gem" forever. No matter for how long you own it, you are merely a temporary holder of this "gem". What really matters is how would you appreciate, enjoy and utilize it while you own it.

    - I.M. Chait -


          I am happy for this opportunity to extend my greeting to the thousands of stamp collectors throughout the world and commend them for the real contribution they have made, and are making, to the fostering of good will and neighborliness among all the peoples of the world. As improved methods of communication and transportation have brought the peoples of the world closer together, so the hobby of stamp collecting has made its contribution to what the late President Roosevelt so aptly called the “science of human relationships”. Through the medium of the simple postage stamp, American stamp collectors have toured the world and peoples from far-off places have acquired a better understanding of our country. The hobby of stamp collecting is one example of the ability of peoples of all nations to live work and play together in the same world at peace.

Our late President was this country’s number one stamp collector.  It is difficult to estimate what part his hobby of stamp collecting from boyhood played in the shaping of his international views but we do know that as a stamp collector he constantly dealt with and considered the peoples of the entire world.  The Franklin D. Roosevelt Stamp Collection is tangible evidence of the international consciousness of a great leader.

From the President of the United States, Harry S. Truman.

美國總統杜魯門為 羅斯福總統郵集拍 賣序

上海 陳志川 譯文

        際茲盛會, 予亟願向全世界集 郵家致共祝賀之忱 , 彼輩有功於國際友 誼之促進, 自不待言。  盖唯交通之利器日 蕃, 國族之接觸亦日密 , " 集郵者, 探討人類關係之科 學也 " 旨哉故總統之言。  夫吾美國人民之集 世界各國之郵, 亦犹世界各國人民 集吾國之郵也, 旦夕孜孜, 窮年經營, 一郵之微, 洵足以寬世界之大 , 往史之深。郵學昌 明, 四海乃如兄弟矣。

        故羅總統以公餘之 暇,積郵盈框,為 我國第一集郵家。 總統少即嗜郵,論 者謂其卓越之國際 見解,獲益於郵學 者殊多。余嘗觀其 郵冊,不待鉅細无 遺,抑且牢列精詳 ,正所謂羅各國於 尺員,了如指掌者 也。是共運籌幃幄 ,旋轉乾坤,豈系 偶然者哉,是為序 。

        —  杜魯門序於白宮  —